We share a passion for visual facilitation

Kati Orav

Kati Orav
Founder, CEO and visionary
Visual facilitation expert

Visual facilitation teacher, researcher and advocate in Estonia. Kati is the Estonian Educator of the Year 2023, an award-winning impact speaker, and a TEDx speaker. She is co-author of “The Visual Facilitation Cookbook” and author of the book “Visual Facilitation.”

She is also an educational innovator and wrote her master’s thesis at Tartu University on the potential of visual facilitation in education (2021).

Member of the European Visual Practitioners community (EVP, since 2017)) and International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP, since 2021). IFVP Institute board member (since 2024). Kati is also an Art of Hosting practitioners, trainer and community member.

Kati brings vision, inspiration, and deeper knowledge of the visual practices and participatory leadership to the team.

Ulvi Salundo
Ulvi Salundo
Graphic recording and HR expert
Ulvi has long-term experience in HR management and working in a leading position in an international company. She brings her professional skills and experience from the business world to the team. Ulvi is our lettering and icebreaker master. In addition, Ulvi is a tireless optimist who can find solutions to even bigger challenges by scribbling.
Ingmar Orav
Ingmar Orav
Web development and tech solutions
Ingmar has been in the IT field since 2000. His passion is to help customers get better results through smart tech solutions. He supports and advises the team with technical solutions. Ingmar brings innovative solutions, direct questions, and masculine energy to the team.
Maarja Jõe
Maarja Jõe
Marketing and sustainability expert
Maarja has long-term experience as a training coordinator, project manager, marketing specialist, and sustainability expert. She is our multi-talented critical friend, who brings experience from the business world to the team and who knows how to ask good, leading questions.